Ever Wonder What's the Meaning Behind Pantone Numbers?
Pantone: Pantone is a standard “Color Matching System” using a special number method to identify different colors. Whatever color it is, that same color can be found easily with Pantone Color Book, because each color has a different code number. A page has multiple swatches for just one color. Why Pantone Color Book is Necessary in Textile Industry? Suppose the buyer told you from America, he needs 1,000Kgs of light peached creamy fabric. But how do you know exactly what color he’s talking about? In this case, each person will give a different opinion but can’t come to the right conclusion. But it would be easy if you have a Pantone color book if the buyer says Pantone number (Peach Fuzz 13-1023 TPX) instead of that color, you can easily find that color from the Pantone book. Types of Pantone Books: Textile Color on Cotton (TCX) These are colorful pure cotton swatches in each individual color. This looks like a Passport guide or Chipset. TCX Pantone books are much more expe...